Skills to Industry Bangladesh (s2ibd)      has been established in 2021. With the slogan ‘’ Skills for Work’’ s2i Bangladesh is a Training & Job Placement oriented Institution  which provides different types of Training, Mobilization activities, Tracer Study, Job Market Study and ensure Job Placement for Skilled & Semi-skilled  youth. It has a focus on Social Inclusion, underprivileged & also privileged youth. The management of s2i Bangladesh is led by the Director and Operational Team.

Skills to Industry Bangladesh (s2ibd) works for skilled & semi-skilled youth & also for Jobless youth & provide them Training and employment support. Skills to Industry Bangladesh aims to build partnership with the GOs, NGO, Employers, Training Institutes and Stakeholders to foster the institutionalization and sustainability process and also we seek for long-term relationships, which are based, on the partner’s strategy in every case. Acting as a trainer, as consultant, and a coach or a facilitator we take part in the everyday life of our clients.

We work together, and develop together. We are the ones that guarantee the necessary, wide spectrum of the added value, which is needed for an outstanding success story. We combine the modern, dynamic style and the professionalism