Md. Nazmul Hoque,  Founder & Deputy Director

Skills to Industry Bangladesh (s2ibd)

(Social Inclusion, Training & Job Placement

Address: House-22, Road-11, Block-H

Section-02, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.

Cell: +8801818-371493


Education Qualification
BBA, MBA in Marketing
Area of Experience: 
·         Job Placement Program: Trainees Placement, Job Hunting, Updating List of Employers, Mock Interview, Pre-Employment, Residence Follow-up, Employed Graduates Follow-up, Industry Follow-up, Apprenticeship Placement, Internship etc.

·         Coordination Meeting: Employers Committee, Community, Sector Skills, Advisory Committee, Networking, Industry Linkage, Pre-employment Guardian Meeting etc.

·         Training: Entrepreneurship Development, Soft skills, Work place wellbeing Management, Career Counseling, Career Guidance, Safe Guarding Training.

·         Coordinate Event: Job Fair, Trainee Fair, Employers Day and Workshop.

·         Study:  Case Study, Tracer Study, Success Story, Job Market Survey, Identify of labor market demand, skills training needs and updating of employable training contents of the technical school.

·         Implement Projects:  DFID, DFAT (QuEST), OXFAM, Citi Foundation, SNV, SEIP-(PKSF, Bangladesh Bank-BB, BEIOA, BACI)

Training : 
·         Workplace Well-being Management Course

·          Management Information System (MIS) Training

·         ToT on Entrepreneurship Development Training

·         Soft Skill Training

·          Protection and Safeguarding Training

·         Application of TMS software Training

·         Digital Marketing